Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Thomas Jefferson

"One man with courage is a majority."

Note to self:  I bore my testimony based on this quote last Sunday.  I love brave people who stand for truth.  Like Abinadi.  He was one man who died because he was courageous enough to bear his testimony to a king and his priests.  I like to think he had no idea that any of them would listen to him.  He didn't care.  He knew the truth, and he could not be persuaded to change it.  Austyn and Houston both love Abinadi.  Why?  Well, for starters they're fascinated with the fact that people would actually burn someone to death.  Secondly, they recognize Abinadi's character as one full of faith and courage.  We've had many discussions with them.  Even now, hundreds of years after his life, Abinadi continues to change lives.  He stood alone and yet influenced many.